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Fusion Day Trades

iab analysts Jan 19, 2022

Analyst: Fusion
Fusion posts day trade options alerts. He is the best at finding high probability options to day trade. Assume that all of his signals are scalps unless told otherwise and they can move extremely quickly so don’t be forced to chase. 

Win rate: 85%


Date: Jan 24th, 2022
Profit percentage: 27%
Total profits trading 5 contract on each trade: $10584+
Loss: 0
Wins: 8

Date: Jan 18th
Profit percentage: 31%
Total profits trading 1 contract on each trade: $531+
Loss: 1
Wins: 7

Date: Jan 14th
Profit percentage: 20%
Total profits trading 1 contract on each trade: $451+
Loss: 1
Wins: 5

Date: Jan 13th
Profit percentage: 26%
Total profits trading 1 contract on each trade: $274+
Loss: 0
Wins: 4

Date: Jan 12th
Profit percentage: 16%
Total profits trading 1 contract on each trade: $327+
Loss: 3
Wins: 4


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